About Us

A one woman show is what we got here. Hi, hello - my name is Haley, and I am the one who creates and runs all aspects of this special little shop of mine. Thank you for being here, in whatever way that is - I appreciate you, and your presence here feels so supportive! 

I began really crackin' down on creating jewelry in the fall of 2020 - during my trip home to Minnesota, I said "fuck it" and bought some supplies to finally create some earrings that were a wee bigger and a wee better than the ones I was able to find in stores. I started out with gold wire - I wrapped and created some really cool and unique earring designs; designs I truly rocked with, they became my every day earrings - and I became my biggest supporter. I made my pieces FOR ME.

I began Earth Mama Creations on etsy and sold pieces I am so proud of. It was really cute - and really intentional, but selling pieces didn't last too long - long story short, we took some time off. In that time off, I explored painting more - macrame was another medium I explored. I expanded my earring styles - mixing in more flow in the wire and beads - creating some really sick shapes and designs.

2023 was the year I refocused on creating a little side hustle from selling my creations - I got focused and posted a bunch of my work on instagram; it was important I had just "put my work out there". Doing markets was a long time goal of mine, and in May, I applied to my first ever show: 414 Flea! I was in Minnesota for a few days when I got the acceptance message - I had 2 weeks, no tent, no gear - only some earrings and macrame plant hangers - But, I paid the vending fee anyway, and got to busting ass!! 

I attended 9 markets from June to November